Foolproof Toblerone Cheesecake


Ever since I had the best cheesecake of my life recently (which coincidentally happened to be a toblerone cheesecake) I was determined to find the perfect recipe to avoid having another “two slices of cake plus two coffees” episode in public.

I have been looking high and low in the last couple of weeks, in search for that “perfect” recipe. Nigella failed me, Mary Berry failed me.. even good old Google failed me – all the recipes were either too complex, too chocolately or too well… baked. For many of you that know me well, the baked cheesecake is one I now like to avoid at all costs due to recent disasters which I will leave to another time. Baked cheesecakes tend to be more fiddly and time consuming than the cheesecakes of the fridge variety and don’t necessarily taste any better as a result.

So I decided to skip the fuss and take this cheesecake business in my own hands. This recipe is a twist on one of my all time favourite cheesecake recipes. It may not look particularly pretty, but it is creamy and tasty and, you guessed it, dead easy which is why I now affectionately call it “the foolproof” cheesecake.

You will need:

  • 250g digestive biscuits
  • 100g of butter
  • 1 vanilla pod or a few drops of vanilla essence
  • 600g of soft cheese
  • 100g icing sugar
  • 284ml double cream
  • 3 milk chocolate toblerone

The base – Transfer the 250g of digestive biscuits to a food processor to create a fine biscuit crumb. If you don’t have a food processor, simply put the biscuits in a plastic sandwich bag and crush to crumbs by using a rolling pin. Melt the 100g butter in a saucepan and add it to the biscuit crumb and mix well until the crumb is well coated with butter. I love the smell of melted butter, so at this stage I usually eat a sneaky spoonful or two from the mixing bowl.


Now transfer the biscuit crumb mix to a greased 23cm spring form circular tin and press firmly into the base using your fingers and try to create a flat even layer.


Place the cake tin in the fridge to chill for at least a hour. This will allow the base to set properly before adding the soft cheese.

The filling: Slice the vanilla pod in half and scrape the seeds off using the back of a kitchen knife. Place the vanilla pod with the soft cheese and icing sugar in a mixing bowl and beat until the mixture has a smooth consistency.

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Now add the pot of double cream and continue to beat until the mixture is well combined. It should start to thicken and start developing soft peaks at this stage.

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Chop 1 1/2 toblerone bars in small pieces and mix with a wooden spoon in to the mixture.Try to have some larger chunks to add some more texture and flavour to the creamy filling.

Next spoon the mixture on top of the chilled biscuit base working from the edges inwards. Use a spatula to smooth the top of the cheesecake to ensure it has an even layer. Leave to set in the fridge overnight. DSC_0954

Now it’s time to decorate! Use the rest of the toblerone to decorate the cheesecake and grate a little of the chocolate over the cake to add some texture.

And the result….

DSC_0955 DSC_0956 A creamy mess of nougat and chocolate goodness!DSC_0961

Happy baking everyone! I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do.


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  1. June 11, 2013 / 7:39 am

    Fantastic recipe as there’s no cooking involved. Will be trying this. Looks great too. Thanks

    • June 11, 2013 / 6:48 pm

      Yes it’s so easy I love it! It’s great with berries as well. Post some pics up when you try it, would love to see it 🙂 x

  2. February 2, 2022 / 9:11 pm

    Lovely recipe easy to bake and very tasty

  3. Jerry Collins
    March 1, 2024 / 9:21 pm

    Lovely recipe I would like to have it with a cup of tea while enjoying music on Spotify Mod APK.

  4. Nathan
    March 6, 2024 / 11:00 am

    The recipe is amazing I would love to have it while watching show on Hotstar Premium APK.

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